
WST – Wall Street Technology is committed to the close analysis and deliberate application of computerized trading strategies designed to produce automatic buy and sell decisions. The primary business of our company is to lease these trading systems on a profit sharing basis. The trading logics are created with the help of state-of-the-art tools, as you can see in this interview from Traders' Magazine: Trading with Artificial Intelligence (in German language).

Secondarily, WST provides investment management services for hedge funds, managed accounts (managed futures), and proprietary trading services for banks and other institutional investors.

WST also offers first-class stock market analysis software to its clients, for example "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning software" from TSL, as well as services related to them including:

  • Installation, introduction, training and seminars, technical support, real-time monitoring, automatic order execution
  • Customized programming for new indicators and trading systems, in script languages compatible with EasyLanguage and protected by optional DLL coding.
  • NEW since 2019: Data Science Consulting !


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